October 10, 2022

Salah satu keahlian dan saya menikmatinya sampai saat ini adalah menciptakan pemimpin selanjut dalam sebuah divisi atau bagian. Pemimpin yang saya maksud disini bisa kepala bidang, manager, supervisor, bahkan di lembaga komunitas sekalipun. Bagaimana pak caranya? pertama, biasakan kita mendengar dan mengeluarkan semua potensi yang dimiliki oleh tim kita. disitu kita akan melihat sosok-sosok yang beraneka ragam potensi, salah satunya adalah potensi leadership. Biasanya mereka punya attitude dalam setiap menyampaikan pendapat di muka umum. kesopanan dan kadangkala sedikit gugup namun bisa dilatih agar terbiasa untuk menyampaikan pendapat di muka umum dalam forum diskusi. ide-ide yang mereka kemukan biasanya orisinil dan seger sekali. saya melihat mereka yang mempunyai leadership yang bagus memang sudah tertempa sejak masih SMA sampai dengan kuliah. berani untuk menyampaikan pendapat, walaupun kadang mesti diimbangi dengan usaha yang luar biasa kalo belum terbiasa. kemampuan materi yang dikuasai dan mereka dapat menjawab semua yang berkaitan dengan materi tersebut. kedua, libatkan mereka dalam setiap aktivitas yang kita lakukan. jangan biarkan potensi hilang dan jangan takut untuk berkembang. bisa jadi kita mendelegasikan mereka untuk menangani suatu kegiatan atau proyek. disini kita tidak melepaskan secara langsung, namun tetap didampingi dan paralel kita melakukan evaluasi berkala. Jam terbang mereka perlu untuk ditambah dengan studi kasus yang langsung didapatkan di lapangan. The apprentice adalah salah satunya, mereka bisa melihat gaya kepemimpinan kita, gaya komunikasi kita, gaya negosiasi dan lobi kita, dan bagaimana kita berhadapan dengan pemimpin di luar sana. Ketiga, respon yang cepat dalam setiap situasi. respon mereka ini menjadi nilai plus dan tentu saja kita suka dengan orang yang suka cepat respon dan terukur. bayangkan jika di grup komunitas ketika diberikan informasi, lebih banyak hanya dibaca saja. Beda dengan mereka yang memiliki keahlian kepemimpinan sejak awal yaitu suka memberikan respon / reaksi dari suatu isu sosial, lingkungan, dan ketidaksesuaian norma yang mereka rasakan. keempat, biasanya anak-anak yang leadershipnya kuat suka diskusi dan berpikiran kritis. mereka kadangkala tidak suka dengan keadaan pro status quo atau yang yang perlu didekontruksi dalam pemikiran bahkan implementasinya. mereka sudah terbiasa dan mengalir dalam memberikan ide-ide atau gagasan - gagasan segar dan menarik. kekritisan mereka memang ada dasar dan sumber dayanya. bisa saja dari buku bacaan, pengalaman, dan pergaulan. nah sebagian besari dari mereka jauh melampaui umur biologisnya, alias sudah dewasa lebih cepat secara pemikiran dari sebayanya. kadangkalah kecepatan mereka tidak bisa diikuti oleh teman sebayanya. maka ciri-ciri ini cenderung seringkali saya temui. ini semua adalah catatan pribadi saya dalam setiap tim kerja yang saya kelola. lebih kepada pengalaman subyektif saya sendiri selama menjadi kepala cabang dan juga manager.

October 27, 2015

Forum Ekonomi Syariah Bengkulu

Forum Ekonomi Syariah Propinsi Bengkulu kembali mengadakan pertemuan rutin bulanan. acara pertemuan rutin bulanan dilakukan di ruang rapat Bank Indonesia Perwakilan Bengkulu. acara yang berlangsung hari senin (26/10) kemaren dihadiri oleh kalangan Perguruan Tinggi, Perbankan Syariah, Forum Zakat, MUI, dan ICMI yang ada di propinsi bengkulu. topik yang diangkat pada pertemuan tersebut masih seputaran perlambatan ekonomi yang sedang dialami indonesia, terkhusus propinsi bengkulu. kita tahu bahwa saat ini harga-harga komoditas sedang mengalami penurunan harga. komoditas seperti sawit, karet, dan batubara sedang mengalami penurunan harga. penurunan harga dari komoditas tersebut memberikan efek bagi pendapatan perusahan dan kepala keluarga. akibatnya masyarakat mengalami penurunan daya beli. penurunan daya beli yang dialami oleh masyarakat berimbas kepada siklus perekonomian nasional dan lokal. bahkan global pun juga mengalami hal yang sama akibat penurunan permintaan komoditas dalam negeri. kondisi yang terjadi saat ini mengundang keprihatinan dari berbagai kalangan. termasuk dari Forum Ekonomi Syariah Bengkulu. sebagai bagian dari masyarakat dan kalangan dunia usaha, forum merasa perlu ikut memberikan kontribusi solusi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh bangsa dan negara. sumbangsih pemikiran, ide kreatif, dan aksi nyata menjadi bagian dari solusi untuk membantu masyarakat. tidak hanya mengandalkan pihak pemerintah saja, melainkan semua elemen masyarakat bergerak untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah global tersebut. salah satu solusi yang muncul adalah program makan gratis bagi dhuafa atau mustahik (orang miskin). program makan bersama ini dilontarkan oleh bapak bambang himawan (kepala perwakilan bank indonesia bengkulu). beliau mengharapkan lembaga amil zakat, dalam hal ini PKPU Bengkulu memasifkan program makan bareng mustahik. menurut pengakuan beliau program makan bareng mustahik (MBM) dapat menggerakan roda ekonomi lokal. lembaga amil zakat diminta untuk lebih berperan aktif dalam program tersebut. dengan memberikan orang miskin makan secara gratis, maka rumah makan akan terus berputar dan banyak yang terlibat. selain itu bapak bambang juga mengharapkan kepada seluruh perbankan syariah yang ada di bengkulu untuk menyalurkan program corporate social responsibility segera. terutama untuk propinsi bengkulu. beliau juga akan membuat surat untuk pimpinan mereka di jakarta sebagai dasar dari permintaan tersebut. menurut bapak bambang, bengkulu merupakan propinsi termiskin kedua setelah NTT. sehingga diperlukan perhatian dari perbankan syariah. dan waktu yang pas untuk penyaluran program CSR adalah antara bulan januari sampai april. karena pada saat itu dana anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah belum berjalan optimal. kehadiran lembaga amil zakat menjadi pelaksana dari program CSR perbankan syariah maupun dunia usaha. sehingga menjadi trigger bagi perbankan daerah untuk lebih aktif dalam membantu ekonomi daerah. pemerintah daerah juga diharapkan mengeluarkan kebijakan yang populis dan berdampak positif dalam jangka pendek. terutama perhatian pemerintah terhadap harga komoditas-komoditas unggulan ekspor yang ada di bengkulu. pemerintah daerah berperan aktif dalam mencari dan menjalan solusi jangka pendek atas permasalahan yang ada di bengkulu. mengingat pemerintah daerah mempunyai kewenangan dan kekuasaan untuk itu.

October 12, 2015

Israeli occupation is root cause of Palestine conflict, says Marwan Barghouti

Imprisoned Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti on Sunday delivered an impassioned plea to the international community to tackle the root causes of violence between Palestinians and Israelis, as he praised the “new Palestinian generation” for resisting the Israeli occupation. In an article for the Guardian written from his cell in Hadarim prison – his first for an international publication since 2002 at the height of the second intifada – Barghouti said he was pleading with the world as then to “to deal with [the violence’s] root causes: denial of Palestinian freedom”. There will be no peace until Israel’s occupation of Palestine ends Marwan Barghouti Read more The intervention by Barghouti – whom many Palestinians view as a potential future president – comes before a meeting later this week by representatives of the Quartet – United Nations, the US, the European Union and Russia – attempting to mediate a peace deal, and amid a mounting toll of death and injuries on both sides. In comments supporting the recent wave of protests, he wrote: “This new Palestinian generation has not awaited reconciliation talks to embody a national unity political parties have failed to achieve, rising beyond political divides and geographic fragmentation. “It has not awaited instructions to uphold its right, and its duty, to resist this occupation. It is doing so unarmed, while being confronted by one of the biggest military powers in the world.” Barghouti also warned that Israeli actions – in particular around the flashpoint religious site the Haram al-Sharif known to Jews as the Temple Mount – threaten to “transform a solvable political conflict into a never-ending religious war that will only further undermine stability in a region already experiencing unprecedented turmoil.” Fifty-six-year old Barghouti – who was an important figure in both the first and second intifadas – was arrested by Israel in 2002 in the middle of the second intifada and convicted on five counts of murder two years later. Advertisement Refusing to recognise the Israeli court, his lawyers insisted he was only a political leader. He enjoys widespread respect among all Palestinian factions and, despite being held in an Israeli prison, is often mentioned as a potential candidate to succeed to Mahmoud Abbas as president of the Palestinian Authority. Recent visitors have suggested Barghouti would put himself forward as a candidate from prison if Abbas steps aside. Referring to the rise in tensions, Barghouti writes: “The escalation did not start with the killing of two Israeli settlers,” referring to the shooting of a husband and wife in front of their children. “It started a long while ago and has been going on for years. Every day there are Palestinians killed, wounded, arrested. “Every day colonialism advances, the siege on our people in Gaza continues, oppression and humiliation persist. As many want us today to be overwhelmed by the potential consequences of a new spiral of violence, I will continue, as I did back in 2002, pleading to deal with its root causes: denial of Palestinian freedom.” He adds: “Some suggested that the reason why a peace deal could not be reached was late President Yasser Arafat’s unwillingness or President Mahmoud Abbas’s inability, while both of them were ready and able to sign a peace agreement. “The real problem is that Israel has chosen occupation over peace and used negotiations as a smoke screen to advance its colonial project. All governments across the globe know this simple fact and yet so many of them pretend that returning to the failed recipes of the past could allow us to achieve freedom and peace.” Despite being imprisoned, Barghouti is regarded as a hugely important Palestinian political figure. He was responsible for drafting the 2006 Prisoners’ Document, in which jailed leaders of all major factions called for a Palestinian state to be established within pre-1967 borders. He also helped draw up the Mecca Agreement that aimed at uniting a national unity government for the Palestinians in 2007. Barghouti’s comments came as French president François Hollande warned that the escalation in violence in the Palestinian territories and Jerusalem was “extremely worrying and dangerous”, adding: “Everything must be done to calm the situation and end this cycle (of violence), which has already caused too many victims.” source: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/11/israeli-occupation-cause-of-palestine-conflict-marwan-barghouti

October 07, 2015

Doctors Without Borders airstrike: US alters story for fourth time in four days

US special operations forces – not their Afghan allies – called in the deadly airstrike on the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, the US commander has conceded. Shortly before General John Campbell, the commander of the US and Nato war in Afghanistan, testified to a Senate panel, the president of Doctors Without Borders – also known as Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) – said the US and Afghanistan had made an “admission of a war crime”. Shifting the US account of the Saturday morning airstrike for the fourth time in as many days, Campbell reiterated that Afghan forces had requested US air cover after being engaged in a “tenacious fight” to retake the northern city of Kunduz from the Taliban. But, modifying the account he gave at a press conference on Monday, Campbell said those Afghan forces had not directly communicated with the US pilots of an AC-130 gunship overhead. “Even though the Afghans request that support, it still has to go through a rigorous US procedure to enable fires to go on the ground. We had a special operations unit that was in close vicinity that was talking to the aircraft that delivered those fires,” Campbell told the Senate armed services committee on Tuesday morning. Analysis MSF hospital airstrike: who are the victims? Among up to 20 people killed in US strike that hit Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Afghanistan are young doctors and patients Read more The airstrike on the hospital is among the worst and most visible cases of civilian deaths caused by US forces during the 14-year Afghanistan war that Barack Obama has declared all but over. It killed 12 MSF staff and 10 patients, who had sought medical treatment after the Taliban overran Kunduz last weekend. Three children died in the airstrike that came in multiple waves and burned patients alive in their beds. On Tuesday, MSF denounced Campbell’s press conference as an attempt to shift blame to the Afghans. “The US military remains responsible for the targets it hits, even though it is part of a coalition,” said its director general, Christopher Stokes. Advertisement Campbell did not explain whether the procedures to launch the airstrike took into account the GPS coordinates of the MSF field hospital, which its president, Joanne Liu, said were “regularly shared” with US, coalition and Afghan military officers and civilian officials, “as recently as Tuesday 29 September”. AC-130 gunships, which fly low, typically rely on a pilot visually identifying a target. It is also unclear where the US special operations forces were relative to the fighting, but Campbell has said that US units were “not directly engaged in the fighting”. Campbell instead said the hospital was “mistakenly struck” by US forces. “We would never intentionally target a protected medical facility,” Campbell told US lawmakers, declaring that he wanted an investigation by his command to “take its course” instead of providing further detail. But Jason Cone, Doctors Without Borders’ US executive director, said Campbell’s shifting story underscored the need for an independent inquiry. “Today’s statement from General Campbell is just the latest in a long list of confusing accounts from the US military about what happened in Kunduz on Saturday,” Cone said. “They are now back to talking about a ‘mistake’. A mistake that lasted for more than an hour, despite the fact that the location of the hospital was well known to them and that they were informed during the airstrike that it was a hospital being hit. All this confusion just underlines once again the crucial need for an independent investigation into how a major hospital, full of patients and MSF staff, could be repeatedly bombed.” Campbell suggested but did not say that the Afghans were taking fire from the Taliban from within the hospital grounds, a claim the Afghan government has explicitly made. MSF unequivocally denies that the hospital was a source of fire. It has also noted the precision of the strike that hit only the main hospital building and not its adjuncts. Mary Ellen O’Connell, a professor of international law at the University of Notre Dame, said that according to international humanitarian law, the critical question for determining if US forces committed a war crime was whether they had notified the hospital ahead of the strike if they understood the Taliban to be firing from the hospital. “Any serious violation of the law of armed conflict, such as attacking a hospital that is immune from intentional attack, is a war crime. Hospitals are immune from attack during an armed conflict unless being used by one party to harm the other and then only after a warning that it will be attacked,” O’Connell said. The US account has now shifted four times in four days. On Saturday, the US military said it did not know for certain that it had struck the hospital but that US forces were taking fire in Kunduz. On Sunday, it said that the strike took place in the “vicinity” of the hospital and suggested it had been accidentally struck. On Monday, Campbell said that the Afghans requested the strike and said US forces in the area were not “threatened”. On Tuesday, he clarified that US forces called in the airstrike themselves at Afghan request. Meanwhile, the defense secretary, Ashton Carter, said in a statement on Tuesday, that the Department of Defense “deeply regrets the loss of innocent lives that resulted from this tragic event”. Doctors Without Borders has demanded an independent inquiry, rejecting the three current investigations – by the US, Nato and the Afghans – as compromised by their partiality. “This attack cannot be brushed aside as a mere mistake or an inevitable consequence of war. Statements from the Afghanistan government have claimed that Taliban forces were using the hospital to fire on coalition forces. These statements imply that Afghan and US forces working together decided to raze to the ground a fully functioning hospital, which amounts to an admission of a war crime,” Liu said on Tuesday. Advertisement In the past, the US has upbraided both allies and adversaries over the indiscriminate use of aerial strikes. On Thursday, the US defense secretary said Russia was pouring “gasoline on the fire” of the Syrian civil war after it launched a campaign of airstrikes against opponents of Moscow’s ally Bashar al-Assad. A day later, the National Security Council spokesman, Ned Price, said the White House was “deeply concerned” that its Saudi ally in the Yemen conflict had bombed a wedding party, something the US itself did in Yemen in 2013. When Israel shelled a UN school in Gaza housing thousands of displaced Palestinians in August 2014, a State Department spokesman said the US was “appalled” by the “disgraceful” attack. Addressing Tuesday’s committee hearing, Campbell confirmed that he has recommended to Obama that the US retain thousands of troops in Afghanistan beyond Obama’s presidency – reversing a plan to reduce the force to one focused on protecting the US embassy in Kabul. He argued for “strategic patience” in the longest war in US history, which has now stretched five years longer than the failed Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. source: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/oct/06/doctors-without-borders-airstrike-afghanistan-us-account-changes-again